Quotes from Sūtra on Upāsaka Precepts,
Vol. 1, Chapter 5
On Three Kinds of Enlightenment
Sujata asked, “World-Honored One, the Buddha has said that there are two kinds of bodhisattvas, the lay ones and the ordained ones, and that there are three kinds of bodhi (enlightenment): that of the śrāvakas, pratyekabuddhas, and Buddhas. If one who attains bodhi (enlightenment) is called a Buddha, why is it that śrāvakas and pratyekabuddhas, who also attain bodhi (enlightenment), are not called Buddhas? If one who realizes the Dharma nature is called a Buddha, why is it that śrāvakas and pratyekabuddhas, who also realize the Dharma nature, are not called Buddhas? If one who has all wisdom is a Buddha, why is it that the śrāvakas and pratyekabuddhas, who also have all wisdom, are not called Buddhas? All wisdom denotes the Four Noble Truths.”
《優婆塞戒經》卷 一
【善生言:「世尊!如佛所說菩薩二種:一者在家,二者出家;菩提三種:一者聲聞菩提,二者緣覺菩提,三者諸佛菩提;若得菩提,名為佛者,何以故聲聞、辟支佛人不 名為佛?若覺法性名為佛者,聲聞、緣覺亦覺法性,以何緣故不名為佛?若一切智名為 佛者,聲聞、緣覺亦一切智,復以何故不名為佛?言一切者即是四諦。」】