Quotes from The Saṃyukta Āgama, Vol. 1
"The Buddha said to the bhikkhus: 'When teaching about the bodily form, if one is able to speak of it as dharma for which one must feel dislike, for which one must cut off one's desires, and for which one must extinguish, so as to subsequently attain tranquility and quiescence, then he is reckoned as a Dharma master. When teaching about the sensation, perception, formation, and vijnana, if one is able to speak of them as dharma for which one must feel dislike, for which one must cut off one's desire, and for which one must extinguish, so as to subsequently attain tranquility and quiescence, then is reckoned as a Dharma master. Such is the definition of a Dharma master set forth by the Tathagata.' Upon hearing these explanations, the bhikshus become delighted, they prostrated to the Buddha respectfully, then left."
《雜阿含經》卷 1