Excerpts from An Exposition on the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra
Venerable Xiao Pingshi
The five aggregates and eighteen elements are all brought forth by the alaya-consciousness—the True Mind; therefore, they are neither identical to nor distinct from the True Mind. As the True Mind is not tantamount to the five aggregates and eighteen elements, neither is it the empty and lucid perceptive mind; thus, the true mind is not identical to the five aggregates. On the other hand, as the True Mind pervades, brings forth, and inherently possesses the functional natures of the five aggregates and eighteen elements, they are also not different from the five aggregates. Thus, the Chan patriarchs who had realized this principle sometimes remarked, “All is real, given one reality.[1]”
An Exposition on the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra, Vol. 1, p. 138
[1] C.「一真一切真。」