Excerpts from Mastering and Skillfully Articulating the Essence of Buddhist Enlightenment
Venerable Xiao Pingshi
A Buddhist practitioner striving to attain enlightenment must develop an attentive mind to be able to truly see the Path of Vision and to be able to enter this stage of the Mahāyāna Distinctive Teaching. A careless person cannot distinctly realize the subtle manifestation of one’s tathāgatagarbha.
Buddhist practitioners must diligently practice the fundamental concentration skill required for seeing the Path of Vision by attaining awakening to the True Mind. Through this skill, we can constantly abide in the state of one-pointed absorption with unstirred pure thoughts and not be hindered by all worldly activities. Even if we cannot attain enlightenment in this life, we can still greatly benefit from such acquired skill.
Mastering and Skillfully Articulating the Essence of Buddhist Enlightenment, p. 181